Hana Bui is an Intercultural Trainer & Bestselling Author providing intercultural workshops to newcomer expats in Vietnam. Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand. She is the author of the two books “When Global Meets Local – How to Succeed in Myanmar” and “When Local Meets Global – How to Work Well with Foreigners”. Further to her solid background in business, she has actually developed a strong interest in global-local interrelations since fifteen years ago when she did an MA degree on Globalization and Communications at University of Leicester, England.
According to Forbes, 92% of surveyed companies that adopted Cultural Training had increased revenues within 18 months.
Hana Bui’s workshops (3-hour, 6-hour) are tailor-made, interactive, and learner-centered. Her international clients appreciate that she can tailor the training programs to their specific needs very well. They like that the sessions are interactive and experimental which helps them a great deal in working with local people at ease. Hana loves the very moment when her clients experience their epiphany: it is a light bulb from their self-reflection!
Email to hanabui.mm@gmail.com for further information.
TESTIMONIALS https://interculturesea.edu.vn/?p=2302
WHY taking this workshop and HOW is it conducted? http://interculturesea.edu.vn/2019/09/27/why-intercultural-workshop/
More about the author: http://interculturesea.edu.vn/2022/04/12/hana-bui-becomes-a-cultural-correspondent-myanmar-on-culture-connector/
“When Global Meets Local – How Expatriates can Succeed in Myanmar?” – the Bestselling Book about Myanmar in 2019. Many expats say “It should be compulsory reading for expats in Myanmar!.” To see what the readers talk about the book: http://interculturesea.edu.vn/2019/06/10/what-expat-readers-say-about-the-book/
When Local Meets Global – How to Work Well with Foreigners?: For the youth of Myanmar Kindle Edition
Are you ready to thrive in an increasingly globalized world? Whether you’re working with expatriates, aspiring to international opportunities, or seeking to improve your professional skills across cultures, When Local Meets Global – How to Work Well with Foreigners is your invaluable guide.
This book offers practical insights and strategies to help young people and professionals of Myanmar and in other developing countries interacting with foreigners succeed in the global workplace.
What Readers Say about the Book?
“”When Local Meets Global – How to Work Well with Foreigners” is a good practical book with insightful contents in an edible version. I truly love it. The book also paves a new way to form global mindset in a context of glocalization. Well done! Congratulations!” Patrick C. Lee, a researcher in Global Asian Economic & Business Relations
“It is a great book and will obviously benefit the local Myanmar readers.” U Win Myint Aung, Group Corporate Affairs Director, City Holdings Limited.
“The book is useful and can be selectively applied for young people in Laos as well.” Dat Pham, Managing Director, Heneiken Laos
“As someone who recently transitioned to life overseas for many reasons, I’ve found this book to be a bridge—connecting the familiar comforts of our Myanmar upbringing with the realities of working and living in foreign environments. The wisdom and insights it offers are both practical and deeply reflective.” Thet Paing Phyoe, A Master candidate in Education Learning Management Science, Bangkok, Thailand
In so many ways, this book is essential to understand cultural gaps between Myanmar and the rest of the world. The author managed to pinpoint very practical issues and create practical solutions to ensure some cultural differences are easily overcome and lead to a very successful cooperation. Essential reading for Myanmar workers dealing with international colleagues or bosses and vice versa! Edwin Briels MD Exploration Travel Myanmar and Counselling Corner Myanmar
“The book is helpful for young readers and I appreciated the easy and comfortable reading. It makes it really accessible.” Gregory Hedger, Director, ISY International School
“It is really helpful book for both employees and employers doing business in Myanmar. I can see the author’s enormous efforts and enthusiasm. As Hana Bui had been living among Myanr people, she can present our thoughts, habits, mindset and pros and cons of them. Thank you for writing those books for Myanmar and filling the knowledge gap.” Dr. Win Htut, West Yangon General Hospital
“A number of my Myanmar colleagues find the book very useful. It is generating a lot of discussion.” Lynda Howe, Principal, MISY International School
“The book offers invaluable guidance to us in dealing with foreigners, for example: “Just ask”, “Say No”, “Disagree”. Ko Zaw Htet Win, Technical Manager, Uniteam Marine Guyana