(Note: this is just a list simply collected for reference. For more information, please contact the places directly.)

- Donating for Children & Students
Sonne Social Organization
Supports vulnerable and marginalized children, i.e street children.
Sky Age Free Mobile Education Project
Teaches computing and English skills to youths from different regions in Myanmar. The school is in North Dagon. Is building a school in order to support youths in Dala.
You can donate money for the new building or volunteer for teaching.
Strong Hands
A not for profit organization supporting deaf students. Primarily receives cash and student supplies but also can funnel other donations into the deaf community. Stronghands is accredited through the non profit “university of the nations” and can provide tax exception receipts.
Is sponsoring a home for children who cannot live at Mary Chapman school for the deaf.
Contact: Bawinu 09257858837
Story Time at Yangon Children Hospital, every 1st Sunday every month
Receives food, drawing pictures, drawing pencils, Myanmar cartoon pictures, Myanmar books
Contact: Thae Thae Zaw 09451115860
Receives also unwanted books for a free, learning traveling library project.
Skill for Humanity
Accepts donations and also looks for volunteers for the beginning of March 2020.
Living Hope Children’s Home

2. For elderly people and patients
Elderly home
Lunch for poor people at the General Hospital
Contact: 09 95 5177 062, 09 76 5177 062, 09 5177 062
Thabarwa Meditation Center, Thanliyn
Fund, education, training, expertise, skills, technology, materials and machinery for various sectors and areas are urgently and crucially needed at ThaBarWa Center.
Provides free Vipassana Meditation, food and shelter to yogis. Builds Dhamma Hospital Project.
Myanmar Free Ambulance Foundation
Besides money, used clothes can be donated here.
Royal British Charity Clinic
Receives donations in cash or medical supplies. Provide free of charge consultations and treatment for members of the community who can’t afford quality care otherwise.
Myanmar Red Cross Society
Has many programs and are working in many thematic areas with their international Red-Cross partners.
You can donate money, blood, etc and volunteer here.
3. Others
Helping and
saving single moms
Religions for Peace

Places to volunteer in Yangon
Note: (1) This is just a list simply collected for reference. For more information, please contact the places directly. (2) You can donate to these places as well
Teach for ASEAN https://www.facebook.com/teachforasean/

Teach for ASEAN is a volunteer-based organization that provides educational and workplace skills training to disadvantaged youth. Needs volunteers but they will be screened and trained.
Contact: Khin Hnin Hnin Oo at https://www.facebook.com/amara.queen.904, hello@teachforasean.asia
Thabarwa Meditation Center, Thanlyn
Provides free meditation training, food, and shelter to yogis. Builds Dhamma Hospital Project.
ThaBarWa is the place where volunteers can donate their skills, time, energy, labor, money and materials to gain merit and practice meditation for a worthy cause, and to look after the welfare of the residents taking refuge at ThaBarWa Center. ThaBarWa channels the money and materials received in donations to provide a peaceful venue for people to practice Dhamma without worry.
Fund, education, training, expertise, skills, technology, materials and machinery for various sectors and areas are urgently and crucially needed at ThaBarWa Center.

The page publishes information about many volunteering activities
Skill for Humanity
Accepts donations and also looks for volunteers for the beginning of March 2020. There is a free, learning traveling library project, bringing books in all languages for all ages.
If you have a skill you want to share, or have some unwanted books, please contact:
Skill4humanity@protonmail.com, meredith.c.bunn@gmail.com, +95 09957738316
Sky Age Free Mobile Education Project
Teaches computing and English skills to youths from different regions in Myanmar. The school is in North Dagon. Is building a school in order to support youths in Dala.
You can donate money for the new building or volunteer for teaching.
Peace Corp Myanmar
Volunteers in Myanmar work with their communities on projects in English education. During their service in Myanmar, Volunteers learn to speak Burmese.
Currently, Volunteer worksites are in villages and small towns in Yangon Region, Bago Region, and Mon State. Volunteers will not be assigned to areas where there has been recent or ongoing civil unrest. Volunteers are expected to immerse themselves in their community and commit to staying in their community for the majority of service.
Volunteers receive a monthly allowance in Myanmar currency (kyat) that is sufficient to live at the level of the local people.

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